How to save resources in Polyester Dyeing Process

An old saying which we all heard – God made men and Tailor made Gentlemen and thing which tailor use is fabric. Cotton and Polyester are majorly used fabrics used by human in which Polyester takes the advantage for various reason. Polyester is not only used in apparel and home furnishing but its yarn, ropes and industrial fibres are used in car tire reinforcements, fabrics for conveyor belts, safety belts, coated fabrics etc. Polyester and its blend with cotton is widely used in global textile market and can be taken as main substrate.

Before reaching to end user, Polyester needs to pre-treated, dyed, printed and finished via several processes using different chemicals. Normally all these processes takes up approximately 200-220 minutes including reduction clearing.

Now the question arises - Can we save time in dyeing process without compromising on quality? The dyeing process of polyester involves so many component that one cannot suggest any off-the-shelf product for this. Dyestuff, Method, Water quality, Machine, Processes everything has an effect on Dyeing. Again type of fibre and blend percentage also has an impact on dyeing process.

Many Dyeing master and floor managers have taken a safe approach by sticking to a procedure with defined recipe considering all the factors which have an impact to Dyeing process. They stick to a process and not ready to go for change or test changes. Normally such approach takes around 200-220 minutes of dyeing starting from pre heating of machines to end.

Nicholas suggests that if one wants to save resources then he needs to start questioning about all the variables such as:

There is no use of going to floor without answering these questions. Based on the answers, a unique customized solution should be created instead of using same old recipe. Nicholas’ technicians here can help you in suggesting the customized process based on all the factors with estimated saving of time and water. Let’s say that if you save 15 minutes in a batch and running 5 batches in a day means you are saving 75 minutes in a day resulting in 1875 minutes a month i.e. 31+ hours per month.

Think about it! You are saving 31+ hours of less energy and water resulting in more productivity and reduced expenses.